Stanton Moore Trio
Sun 5-4 @ The Broadside
New Suit Presents
Stanton Moore's Festival Finale
with Robert Walter and Will Bernard
Stanton Moore, Donald Harrison Jr., Robert Walter, Robert Mercurio, Will Bernard
Show: 7 pm
Mon 5-5 @ The Columns Hotel
Show: 6:30 pm
Doors: 6 pm
2 Sets


Welcome to the
"Nearly World Famous"
Jazz Fest Grids!
The Grids are the premier source of listings for live music in New Orleans clubs each day and night before, during and after Jazz Fest.

The Grids 'fill-up' as we learn of new shows, and are updated almost every day.


If you'd like to submit a listing for the Grids or learn more about sponsorship opportunities, please email Neil.



Our Sponsors

Threadhead Cultural Foundation

Mystery Street Records

Mystery Street Records

© 2012-2013 and Threadhead Cultural Foundation. All rights reserved.